Use-Cases for Direct-to-Cloud Backup Solutions

Data nowadays is considered a fuel that runs the business, without it, a business cannot simply run. Data is now multiplying in different ways and businesses need a solution which would give them the ability to back up, access and restore their data when needed, while also staying on a budget. A direct-to - cloud backup is the answer to this.

What Does Utilizing Direct-to-Cloud Backup Mean?

Basically, utilizing direct-to-cloud backup involves moving files and data directly from the business’s systems (PCs laptops, etc.) to the cloud of the choice, where no backup  appliance or local storage setup is involved on-premises.

Use-Cases for Direct-to-Cloud Backup

Cloud Data Backup for on the Move Users

Businesses today are always on the move, they don’t get bound to a single location or office, especially due to the recent COVID-19 pandemic which has forced many employees and businesses to work from home. So, employees need to stay connected without suffering connection failures, data loss and also need to be able to access any type of file or data from anywhere.

Direct-to-cloud backup or cloud backup in general, ensures that the business’s data is efficiently backed up and remains accessible even if the head office of the business is compromised due to some reason.

Quick Recovery of Files

Businesses these days want quick recovery of files as they want to suffer as minimal downtime as possible. And while a hybrid solution (using both the cloud and on-premises backup appliance) can suit most businesses, Small to Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) might not be able to afford such a solution right now. So, for them, a direct-to-cloud backup solution works best.

Although the recovery of data in the cloud depends on the bandwidth, data can be recovered faster with the cloud by utilizing endpoints. Cloud backup can quickly grab and restore any file, and also lets users recover files to another systems, in case something happens to the first one.

Simple Deployment & Easy Usability

Many businesses want to save themselves from the hassle of setting up and managing a cloud backup solution. Well, with a direct-to-cloud backup solution, there is simple deployment and it is fairly easy to use. Additionally, the management and maintenance of the solution is done by the vendor, so this rally eases the IT admin.


Data is key for every business’s success and future wellbeing and protecting it is the top most-priority of any business. Direct-to-cloud backup solutions can help businesses to back up and recover their data while also staying on the budget. This enables SMBs to also adopt cloud backup solutions and get reliable data protection for their mission-critical data.

Use-Cases for Direct-to-Cloud Backup Solutions Use-Cases for Direct-to-Cloud Backup Solutions Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 14:54 Rating: 5

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