How SAN Systems Help Reduce Storage Costs?

Reducing storage costs is one of the top priorities for many enterprises. Enterprises keep looking for solutions which would help them reduce storage costs. Traditional storage solutions cannot achieve this but SAN storage solutions on the other hand, can help enterprises achieve this goal.

There are some features and attributes of SAN systems which lets SAN storage reduce storage costs. Some of these features are discussed below in this article.

SAn Storage

Thin Provisioning with SAN Systems

Thin provisioning is a feature that allows storage to be assigned to hosts beyond available physical capacity. The physical storage resources are also allocated to a thin-provisioned logical unit in whatever way it is needed. The cost savings can be huge and this is why most vendors offer it and most enterprises look for it. With thin-provisioning, enterprise can achieve efficient storage space utilization up to 90%.

Data Deduplication with SAN Systems

Data deduplication is also a very good feature as it helps to reclaim used storage space by identifying cleverly duplicating blocks of data and replacing them with a reference. This reference is usually a unique hash code. What this does is that it removes the duplicated files an only keeps one copy of them in order to save storage space.

Data Compression with SAN Systems

Data compression is used mainly to reduce the amount of storage size that is required for storage by applying different compression algorithms while the data is being written into the storage. It also saves storage space in another way by decompressing data when it is read to further reduce the enterprise storage space.

Unlimited Scalability with SAN Systems

SAN storage offers really easy and unlimited scalability. Enterprises can easily add more storage space while staying at the same namespace. They can scale up by adding more expansion units and scale out by adding more storage nodes. By doing so, enterprises can add terabytes to petabytes of storage space and they won’t have to worry about storage space ever again. This makes the system future-proof, in terms of storage space at least.

This way, they can add a much storage space as required without having to get a separate storage solution. And thanks to those storage nodes, the system would get more performance as each storage node has its own processor and system memory.


All of the above-mentioned features combined enable SAN systems to help enterprises cut down the storage costs significantly. This makes SAN systems very cost-effective and ideal for enterprises that are looking to reduce storage costs in the most efficient way possible.

How SAN Systems Help Reduce Storage Costs? How SAN Systems Help Reduce Storage Costs? Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 14:55 Rating: 5

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