NAS Storage Solutions Can Address Modern Security Concerns of SMBs

All Small to Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) have big aspirations. Just because they are not as big as big enterprises does not mean that they have smaller goals and ambitions. SMBs want to grow and keep on growing and to do so they need a reliable data storage solution as data plays a big role in the growth of a business.

This is why, SMBs need a good storage solution as they need to compete with big enterprises as well and in order to do that, the first step is to get a reliable storage solution that is easy on the pocket and provides that extra bit of value and features to the business that use it, and that solution is NAS storage.

NAS Storage Solutions Benefits for SMBs

For any business to move forward and progress, they need to change certain things and adapt to change, otherwise they would be left behind, this is also true for SMBs. One such change is the security practices, SMBs need a storage solution that will give them reliable security matching the current security protocols and A NAS storage solution offers exactly that.

Data Security

Any data storage solution, no matter how good it is, is of no use if it is not safe at all. The main purpose why SMBs or any business gets a data storage solution is usually data storage and if the data is not secure in that storage solution then what is the point of it.

NAS storage provides features advanced security features that offer next level data protection. Features like end-to-end encryption and SSL tunneling are very helpful as it secures data when it is at rest and when it is in transit as well. This way, enterprises will get basic protection of their data, at all times.

This alone will obviously not guarantee data loss but it’s a step in the right direction. To get the ultimate data loss protection from ransomware, malware and disasters, businesses should invest in a backup and disaster recovery solution also.

Round the Clock Data Accessibility from Anywhere

Data accessibly is another important factor when it comes to data storage. Along with data security, it is also important that it should be made available and should be accessible to customers and staff whenever needed, and from anywhere in the world.


A NAS storage solution is a reliable data storage solution that offers a lot of benefits to businesses and enterprises that use it. Any business, big or small, that wants to excel and move forward, needs a good data solution that offers reliability, advanced data security and as well as remote data accessibility. These are the necessary things and a NAS storage solution provides all this and a lot more also.

NAS Storage Solutions Can Address Modern Security Concerns of SMBs NAS Storage Solutions Can Address Modern Security Concerns of SMBs Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 13:29 Rating: 5

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