Cloud Backup Strategy- Why is it Necessary?

It is true that cloud in general is considered as a safe and secure place to store data but it is also true that cloud providers do lose or damage files. This happens more often than you may think and this makes cloud storage alone very unreliable. This is why cloud backups are used and if the business has a proper cloud backup strategy in place, then they can protect their data from data loss.

What Makes Cloud Backup Important?

To be fair, most cloud service providers actually do take care of customer’s data with care and are very responsible. With approaches such as redundancy, data can be stored at different multiple locations which allows the provider to instantly replace files that have been damaged or destroyed by a natural disaster.

However, this does not guarantee that there won’t be any data loss. Serious natural disasters such as fires, storms, earthquakes, etc., human error, data vandalism and even corporate bankruptcy can result in data loss, which can even be permanent. This is why, having a cloud backup solution and a proper cloud backup strategy in place is important as businesses can avoid all types of data loss and can be worry-free about their data protection strategy.

Cloud Backup Strategy

When the cloud service provider loses customer’s data, the obvious reaction is to sue the provider and while this might generate some income, it won’t bring back all the lost mission-critical data. This is why a cloud backup strategy is needed which would provide data protection and redundancy.

The data owner must keep data backups at different locations, allowing multiple copies of data to exist at all times. One cloud backup strategy is to use multiple cloud backup services to create a custom-built and redundant cloud backup environment. This way, if one provider fails a backup job, identical files of data can still be recovered from another service.

With a proper cloud backup strategy in place, businesses can get extra protection for their data as it offers features like storage snapshots which allows users to recover files to a specific point in time.

Another backup strategy is to maintain up-to-date copies of critical files on storage resources located inside the data center. This allows for fast access to critical files and also adds redundancy. Redundancy is important as data can be saved on hard drives for long-term archiving and for strong protection, archival data can be duplicated and moved to another location such as branch or home office.


Cloud is a popular place to store data but cloud storage is not the same as cloud backup. In order to avoid data loss of any kind, a cloud backup strategy is a must. Putting together a solid cloud backup strategy can help avoid data loss and save you from explaining to your bosses why you lost data in the first place.

Cloud Backup Strategy- Why is it Necessary? Cloud Backup Strategy- Why is it Necessary? Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 15:05 Rating: 5

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