Cloud Backup & Recovery- Should You Fear Failed Recovery?

Cloud backup and recovery is a great tool for protecting mission-critical data. However, it doesn’t always guarantee recovery of data. There have been so many reports of failed recovery that it makes you wonder whether you should fear failed recovery for your business as well and the short answer to this is, yes.

Reason Behind Failed Recovery

A failed recovery is not a random event, it happens due to some reasons. The good news is that if you look for the signs, you can deal with these issues before they become a crisis. Following are some of the reasons for failed recovery:

-        Using Multiple Cloud Backup & Recovery Solutions: There might be a chance that you are using multiple cloud backup and recovery systems or other backup systems. Perhaps you inherited a legacy backup solution or maybe your company acquired another organization, the point is, if you are using multiple cloud backup solutions, chances are they you might risk your ability to recover data. So, it is best to use a single cloud backup and recovery solution for your data.

-        Coverage Gaps: With so many applications and data to back up, there can be a differentiation between which backup solutions protect which assets. There may be some gaps in your data protection coverage which would mean that some data is not protected and as a result, may cause failed recovery.

-        Different Backup Schedules & Processes: When it comes to backups, there are different methods to do so. These include; full, incremental, synthetic and more. Using multiple solutions means that you are spending twice the amount of time, effort, budget and energy to manage your data protection strategy and are risking failed recovery by introducing software compatibility issues.

Test Your Cloud Backup & Recovery Solution

There is no better way of ensuring successful recovery of data than testing your recovery and your cloud backup and recovery solution regularly.

The question that comes in the mind of most IT managers is when and how often should they test recovery. Testing recovery should be done as frequently and often as possible. Whenever there is a change in the system or if anything new is introduced such as servers and applications etc.

It is also recommended to test recovery at least once after every month in order to ensure smooth and efficient recovery of data.


stonefly Cloud backup and recovery solutions are very popular as they offer reliable data protection but sometimes, they can fail also and you should really fear failed recovery of data. All the tips and reasons mentioned in this article can help you identify the signs early so that you can rectify any mistakes and hurdles that may lead to failed recovery of data.

Cloud Backup & Recovery- Should You Fear Failed Recovery? Cloud Backup & Recovery- Should You Fear Failed Recovery? Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 15:03 Rating: 5

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