Trending Challenges for Cloud Backups

 In the IT industry, the rise of cloud backup is being talked about for years. More and more businesses are adopting cloud backup solutions everyday simply because they offer a lot of benefits to the user. But along with benefits, there are also some challenges that businesses face as well. Let us look at some of the top challenges of cloud backup in this article.

Cloud Backup Challenges- Aggressive RTOs

Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) are very important for a business, especially in terms of business continuity. Before you can fully proceed with a cloud backup solution, you need to first ask yourself, do you have defined RTO goals? Or in other words, do you know how long your company can safely afford to be down?

One challenge that IT admins often report is about the fact that RTOs are becoming tighter and tighter. This can prove to be difficult as sometimes businesses may not have the resources available to deal with this is and plan ahead of time. This is why a cloud backup solution from a reliable vendor such as; StoneFly can help greatly with this. As good cloud backup solutions offer faster recovery of data through features like data deduplication, snapshots and more.

Cloud Backup Challenges- Lack of Testing

This is probably the most ignored challenge. Many businesses do in fact get a cloud backup solution but they do not test it. If this surprises you, then you should ask yourself; how often to you test recovery? If your answer is not convincing enough then you too might be at risk.

Testing efficient recovery of data should be done at least once after few months, although experts are now saying that it should be at least once a month now.

Efficient testing of recovery is a lot more than just checking whether your data backups are being recovered or not. It involves using machine learning and automation to prove out the Service Level Agreements (SLAs) and recovery objectives of the business.

Testing is very important as it reports any problems or hurdles that the business may face while recovering data. It is directly linked to the RTOs and if there is an issue with the recovery, the business won’t meet their RTOs and will suffer a lot of downtime which would be a lot more than they can sustain safely which would also dent their business continuity goals. So, testing recovery should be a top priority.


Cloud backup is a great way of securing data from loss and offers many useful features as well but you also need to be careful about the challenges that come with cloud backup. Make sure to get a reliable cloud backup vendor that can meet your RTOs goals and also make sure to always test recovery of data in order to efficiently tackle the above-mentioned challenges of cloud backup.

Trending Challenges for Cloud Backups Trending Challenges for Cloud Backups Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 10:17 Rating: 5

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