Cloud Disaster Recovery- Tips for Efficient Data Backup & Recovery

Data is vital for every business; it is actually considered as the new gold by many IT experts. This is because a lot of business decisions are relied on data, not to mention that a lot of mission-critical information is also there which cannot be lost. So, this makes protecting data essential and a robust cloud Disaster Recovery (DR) strategy can help with that.

Follow the 3-2-1 Backup Strategy

The 3-2-1 backup strategy is a timeless strategy that is being used for many years now. It provides a baseline rule by which businesses can protect their mission-critical data.

The 3-2-1 backup rule states that:

-        There should be three copies of data

-        Backed up on two different storage types

-        And at least one copy of the data should be stored offsite

Optimized Backup Schedule

When it comes to data backup, it is important to understand that it is not a one-time process. Mission critical data must be regularly and consistently backed up according to a clear and organized data backup schedule.

Backup Testing

Cloud backups need to be tested regularly in order to ensure efficient recovery of data. Set a schedule and test your backups and your cloud DR plan, sometimes even off schedule so that you make sure your data is safe and secure.

In addition, the IT staff must also be trained in a way that they can access and restore their data when needed. This is important because a backup that fails or a team that is unable to restore data is of no use.

Cloud Disaster Recovery Plan & Testing

Creating a cloud disaster recovery plan is always a very good idea. This way, everybody knows their roles and know exactly what to do disaster strikes.

After creating a cloud disaster recovery plan, testing of the plan is also important. This makes sure that everything is working properly and if something isn’t right, the IT team can address that issue before actual recovery of data is needed.

Furthermore, testing a cloud disaster recovery plan also ensures that the business meets its Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) and Recovery Point Objectives (RPOs).

This is important to meet because speed is the key these days. There is only a certain amount of time the business can sustain downtime for. Anything above that threshold can potentially put the business out of business and can result in great financial losses. So, meeting the RTOs and RPOs is vital in achieving business continuity.


Cloud disaster recovery is a great solution for many businesses as it offers reliable data backup and recovery. However, getting the cloud disaster recovery solution alone is not enough. You need to follow the tips mentioned in this article to make sure efficient backup and recovery of data is ensured.

Cloud Disaster Recovery- Tips for Efficient Data Backup & Recovery Cloud Disaster Recovery- Tips for Efficient Data Backup & Recovery Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 12:07 Rating: 5

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