Is Network Attached Storage a Good Option for SMBs?

With so many Small to Medium-sized Businesses (SMBs) emerging these days, it is only a matter of time before their storage needs get increased and they would be in search of a reliable storage solution. This is because SMBs also need a storage solution that is resilient, reliable, can consolidate data spread across multiple devices and also offers lots of features, and such a solution is Network Attached Storage (NAS).

But what makes NAS storage a good option for SMBs? This is what this article will uncover.

Network Attached Storage is Easy to Set Up

Network attached storage is very easy to set up and use. With a NAS system, you won’t have to go through hours of complicated set up instructions and processes in order to use it, most vendors, such as StoneFly, offer plug-and-play NAS systems these days which makes the set-up process even more easy.

Furthermore, most Network Attached Storage devices have user-friendly interface thanks to a storage Operating System (OS) that comes pre-installed and that makes it even easier to manage the data and the system.

Network Attached Storage is Easy to Scale

Scalability is another important factor and consideration for SMBS. SMBs need a solution that is future-proof in a way that it can be scale up. Users can add more storage capacity when needed while staying in the same namespace.

Furthermore, another advantage of scalability is that SMBs can save significantly on hardware costs. How? Well, with NAS, they don’t have to keep buying more storage devices, they can upgrade in the same NAS system.

Network Attached Storage is Flexible

Most vendors offer a centralized file storage system that allows SMBs to have access to all of the business files from anywhere in the world so that even if you are working remotely, you can easily access your files. This is especially useful nowadays as most of businesses are forced to make their employees work from home.

Furthermore, having a centralized file storage also improves the data security and reduces the chance of files being lost. Additionally, you can also set up file access permission, meaning that only authorized personnel can access the files, no one else. Features like encryption also support this as it limits file access to only limited personnel.


Network attached storage is a great storage solution for businesses of all sizes, not just SMBs. This is because it offers a lot of convenience along with cost and time saving benefits which makes it ideal for SMBs, especially for those that are on a budget.

Is Network Attached Storage a Good Option for SMBs? Is Network Attached Storage a Good Option for SMBs? Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 13:29 Rating: 5

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