Enterprise Cloud Storage for Service Providers

Enterprise cloud storage is changing the way corporations manage their data. With StoneFly, customers can enjoy scalable, elastic and cost-effective storage as a service while maintaining the enterprise grade features that traditional storage offers. Businesses can keep more money in their pockets without compromising performance or security.

 StoneFly’s cloud storage benefits from a business perspective
If you are a service provider wouldn't you love to pass these benefits on to your customers? Service providers love working with StoneFly storage for a number of reasons.
1.       StoneFly’s Enterprise cloud storage improves the bottom line, and as a  service business model means the service provider doesn't need to make big risky capital investments in storage infrastructure.
2.       Eliminate over provisioning. Your usage costs rise and fall with the storage consumption of your customers. Which means your margins are guaranteed.
3.       StoneFly’s cloud storage supports service provider partners by monitoring and managing storage resources. You can think of StoneFly as an extension of your IT team. No more storage refresh cycles and painful migrations.
With StoneFly’s Enterprise Cloud Storage you can finally focus on managing your business rather than managing your storage.
Technical benefits of StoneFly’s enterprise cloud storage
StoneFly’s cloud storage for the enterprise is a fully featured universal storage solution that is available in any location, supporting any data type and protocol. Even though StoneFly storage provides the economic benefits of a multi-tenant environment, customers enjoy a single tenant experience with isolated resources and separate workloads.
StoneFly’s storage as a service also offers a number of unique add-on services for even more performance and security. Multi-zone high availability, backup to object storage (Microsoft Azure or Amazon AWS), encryption, deduplication, snapshots, tiering and more.
Scalability and flexibility are some of the most essential benefits for a service provider. With StoneFly’s storage you can grow or shrink at the click of a button as customers’ needs change. You won't waste money on resources you are not using. Service providers and customers both benefit from the most powerful, flexible and affordable storage service on the market. Contact us today and partner up with StoneFly for an enterprise grade cloud storage solutions. 
Enterprise Cloud Storage for Service Providers Enterprise Cloud Storage for Service Providers Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 04:50 Rating: 5

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