Managing data growth challenges with hybrid cloud solutions.

To respond faster to changes in your business environment you're looking at the cloud storage solutions but you require quick easy scaling, increased efficiency, lower costs and control over your data. High-performance computing means high demand on resources with diverse user communities running hundreds of applications, there are many peaks and troughs in demand. If you are very lucky, they balance each other out. But when, peak usage aligns monster spikes occur, producing an acute shortage of resources, it's not economically feasible to design and build any single infrastructure around the perfect computational storm. To meet peak usage demands more and more environments are taking advantage of cloud computing.

Adopting strategies that combine your on-premises resources with public cloud to increase agility, drive growth and surpass the competition is a new reality. It’s no secret that the use of cloud backup is growing. However, choosing the right mix of public and private clouds is paramount for IT teams to begin delivering the on-demand and scalable IT services that are required to drive business outcomes

Public and Private Clouds:
A private cloud is owned and operated by one organization. The cost model is CapEx based with typically large upfront costs. Organizations typically use them for business critical data and apps that require a high level of security.
Public clouds are owned and operated by a third-party. The cost model is an OpEx based because you're only paying for however much of the cloud that you need and they typically are used for on-demand type services with varying capacity needs.

Why use Hybrid Cloud?
Hybrid clouds combine the best of both worlds. The cost model is mostly OpEx based which helps create more predictable IT budgets and organizations are using them to extend their private cloud for on-demand capacity.
When you're trying to get the most out of the cloud organizations need to consider moving to a hybrid cloud management model because it creates more efficient flexible IT without the cost of new infrastructure. Hybrid clouds can be used to create more collaborative Deb test environments, enhanced disaster recovery in the cloud extend applications due to growth needs and to support web and mobile applications.

Private and public cloud does offer scalability which depends on the configurations you have. When you have public and private cloud both then the combination of scalability increases. You can easily scale for your dynamic workloads

Cost Effectiveness:
In hybrid cloud infrastructure you have the combination of both private and public clouds so they allow organizations to access the savings and have lower costs.

The hybrid cloud infrastructure provides security needed for the sensitive operations and satisfies regulatory requirements for data handling and storage where it is applicable.

The organizations have flexibility for the different operational avenues. They can have the combination of both so can handle both services.

Not everything is belonged to the private cloud and only to public cloud. The company’s need the mixture of both which is the hybrid structure. You can gain benefits of both public and private cloud in one architecture. Organizations can get the best of both where they can acquire cloud disaster recovery, backup and storage options of both public and private clouds
Managing data growth challenges with hybrid cloud solutions. Managing data growth challenges with hybrid cloud solutions. Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 06:27 Rating: 5

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