Cloud Gateway a smart way to manage your workloads

Your data center provides a unique source of strategic competitive advantage. The challenge lies in best utilizing this strength. Which moves should you make to get the most from your data investment? Many enterprise data centers were built in house before server virtualization and cloud based services reached a tipping point they were deployed then the game change. Most companies own and operate an in-house data center. But such a long-term CAPEX investment ties you to real estate and commits you to fixed capacity and it may limit your cloud and network connectivity options.

According to industry analysts Gartner and IDC, the average useful life of such data centers ranges from seven years to nine years. Some enterprises also utilize cloud services, delivered from mega scale data centers located in huge facilities at remote locations. These offer lower costs through economies of scale however, application performance varies in connectivity with partners can be difficult. However enterprises no longer need to connect to a single delivery model. There is a flexible and easy solution. By establishing an enterprise cloud gateway you can extend the life of your current in-house data center and add a hyper-connected colocation hub. An enterprise cloud gateway provides the best of both worlds.
When we dig into the cloud gateway, it means that it provides simple connectivity which allows the incompatible technologies to communicate transparently. There are many reasons why organizations use Cloud Gateway. Few of them are mentioned below.
Convenient Way:
When it comes to convenience the cloud gateway makes it convenient to adopt multiple clouds and stay connected with them, with a single point. You can also manage and configure all the connections to your clouds.
Full Control:
When it is about your network, then it should and has to be in your control. You can configure your applications from time to time and you can also redeploy them in different environments as your business needs. When you move your workloads across the cloud then cloud gateway allows you to move your static addresses together.
Gives you flexible choice:
If you want to use multiple cloud service providers and your own cloud resources, cloud gateway can allow you to connect between them
Connection to one-to-many connections:
The cloud gateway connects you to multiple cloud providers with your data centers. You don’t have to face vendor lock-in. You can have and manage multiple separate connections. With cloud gateway you can integrate them in single connection.
Scalable Bandwidth:
The cloud gateway allows to provide scalable bandwidth. You can allocate the bandwidth between different connections as it is required.

When it comes to enterprise cloud storage, organizations require fast and efficient way to move data between clouds and on-prem systems. The cloud gateway allows organizations to work with efficiency.  
Cloud Gateway a smart way to manage your workloads Cloud Gateway a smart way to manage your workloads Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 03:33 Rating: 5

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