Get Ultimate Protection of Data with Cloud Backups

Data has become a very vital part of a business as everything depends on it. This is why data loss is a big deal and business owners do everything they can to avoid it and protect their data. A very common and deadly threat of data loss is ransomware. With so many recent attacks, business owners are still wondering on how to protect their data from the threat of ransomware. The answer is cloud backups

Cloud Backup is the Answer

We cannot emphasize this enough, backup your data regularly. You want to protect your data against ransomware? Well, backup, backup and backup. No amount of data protection would be enough if you do not have a cloud backup of your data.

Having multiple copies of your data backed up in the cloud would enable you to have a peace of mind about the security of your data. In case you are hit by a ransomware attack, you can easily recover your data without having to pay any sort of ransom and without having to suffer any downtime whatsoever.

Having data backed up in the cloud is like an insurance of your data. No matter the threat of data loss, your data would always be safe and secure, ready to be recovered.

Encrypt Cloud Backups

Now that we have discussed about the importance of cloud backups and what role they play in the protection of data, it is also necessary to mention that cloud backups and backup storage can also be a target to ransomware attacks.

Ransomware attackers target backups in an attempt to collect ransom money from users as they would be desperate to gain back access to their backups as of course it would defeat the purpose of backups if they are not able to restore from them in the time of need.

This is why encrypting backups is extremely important. Data needs to be encrypted at rest and in flight to ensure maximum protection. This requires storage level encryption and also encryption while data is in flight. Vendors like StoneFly offer cloud backup solutions that offer such services.

Create Backup of Your Cloud Backups

The only way to be sure about your backups is to of course create backups of your backups. One can never be too careful and creating multiple backups will fully ensure that there is no amount of data loss.


Cloud backups have become a must. There is no way around it. The only way to ensure that there is no data loss is through backups. Ransomware has become a real threat and business owners need to back up their data in order to protect it against the threat of ransomware.

Get Ultimate Protection of Data with Cloud Backups Get Ultimate Protection of Data with Cloud Backups Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 11:58 Rating: 5

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