Cloud Backup & Recovery- A Must-Have for Every Business


Ransomware attacks are on the rise. With a rapid increase in ransomware, businesses can fall prey to these attacks easily. Cloud backup and recovery can help a lot with this and can help users protect their data, avoid data loss and recover from a disaster.

Without Cloud Backup & Recovery, A lot is at Stake

Data and reputation of the business is mainly at stake with a cloud backup and recovery solution. Many businesses don’t pay attention to any Disaster Recovery (DR) plan and don’t get any cloud backup and recovery solution as they think they won’t be a target to any ransomware. 

Let’s say they actually do save money with this decision, what will happen? They will save a few bucks now but when they are hit with a disaster or ransomware attack, (and yes, it’s only a matter of when not if), they would have to pay a hefty ransom in order to gain access to their systems and data. Not to mention the amount of downtime they would also suffer.

Other than this, they cannot grow as a business if they do not have any cloud backup and recovery. In order to retain customers and gain profits they have to ensure business continuity and this can only be done with a proper cloud backup and recovery solution in place.

Furthermore, if the business is hit by a ransomware attack, without any cloud backup and recovery, all the systems and mission-critical data is locked. If there was a proper cloud backup and recovery solution in place, then they would have simply recovered the data in a matter of minutes by accessing it from an offsite location. This will ensure that they won’t ever pay any sort of ransom and are free from these threats for life, at least till the business is operational.

Protection Against Natural Disasters with Cloud Backup & Recovery

Apart from cyber-attacks, natural disasters also pose a viable threat for a business. Imagine being hit by a hurricane and all your systems are compromised. With a cloud backup and recovery solution in place, businesses can always recover their data and even access it from another location even if their primary site is inaccessible or usable.

This way, businesses would be able to maintain business continuity and will continue operations at all costs.

To Conclude

Every business, big or small, needs data to grow and this is why data is so vital. Business owners must take these cyber-threats more seriously and should opt for a cloud backup and recovery solution in order to stand a chance against them and be worry free about them. Instead of just gambling with their data and leaving it to luck. So, invest in a cloud backup and recovery solution today, before it is too late.

Cloud Backup & Recovery- A Must-Have for Every Business Cloud Backup & Recovery- A Must-Have for Every Business Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 13:18 Rating: 5

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