Understanding Cloud based backup and Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is venturing into our world following the same pattern as any innovation in technology does. For instance, when computers were introduced they were criticized and now they’re an irreplaceable part of our world; same can be said about cloud backup and cloud computing. AI has been progressing in a similar manner and it will undoubtedly become a necessary part of the technological world.
Besides the convenience that AI introduces into our daily lives; for instance telling our hand held devices to set a reminder or set an alarm or tell the directions to a location, AI does have to potential to contribute in various industries as well.

The inseparable relation between Cloud & Artificial Intelligence

AI can optimize processes by introducing automation. Cloud backup services rely on AI by providing users with scheduled backups. While the AI relies on cloud computing services to endure all the processing capacity needed for it to function. One supports the other and while each can exist on their own, their co-existence is very beneficial for the user.

AI introduces simplicity in a lot of processes and takes the load of IT departments; it needs less management and enables IT departments to focus on other objectives.

In context of autonomous vehicles and smart cities, enterprise cloud storage solutions are being explored as viable options to store the pool of big data generated by the numerous sensors and elements involved in these two technologies.  As cloud storage solutions are scalable, reliable and are an efficient way to process data; it is one of the prime solutions being debated on as a big data storage solution.

Cloud relies on AI for optimization. For instance, a recent survey indicated that various sensitive files of the Government had public access controls and were incorrectly classified. As a solution, Amazon introduced Amazon Macie; a machine learning solution that adapts to user behavior, identifies sensitive files and properly classifies them and keeps an eye out for anomalies in data access to prevent ransomware/malware and hackers from accessing it.

Enterprises around the globe are dedicating resources to AI and cloud as the combination of the two offers cost efficiency, data availability, recoverability and increases productivity and profitability.


Cloud based services are being recognized as the fifth commodity globally whereas AI is being acknowledged for the numerous benefits it introduces. A comprehensive backup and disaster recovery plan comprises of a combination of the two. 
Understanding Cloud based backup and Artificial Intelligence Understanding Cloud based backup and Artificial Intelligence Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 10:59 Rating: 5

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