Cloud spanning: a smart cloud storage strategy

With the increase in data, data storage needs increase; which is the prime concern of any enterprise. Storage is important and so is the backup. In order to fulfil your data storage and backup needs cloud based services are available. Your enterprise can encounter data loss for many reasons: Hardware or System Malfunctions, Human Errors, Software Corruption, Computer Viruses and Malware, Natural Disasters and/or Cyber Attacks. Incorporating cloud in your data storage and data backup is a smart decision. If you want to handle increasing storage demands of your enterprise then cloud storage service; cloud spanning is the right choice for you.

What is Cloud Spanning?

Cloud spanning is a part of cloud storage solution it is the cloud delivery model that incorporates applications with large compute resource requires. These workloads can be arrayed in multiple cloud environments. Multiple cloud environments can be private cloud, public cloud or hybrid and multi-clouds. The computations and the components of the cloud applications can be distributed in one or more cloud environments.
Let’s suppose an enterprise IT environment wants to use internal private cloud with any public cloud in order to manage the growing storage needs. This can be done with cloud spanning. The enterprise can also use their own private cloud storage hosted at different locations.
IT experts are handling more and more tasks and this is more business critical. Moving storage and compute resources to the public cloud can free up quite a bit of space in the data centers. This frees up more compute capacity, making other workloads faster. Cloud spanning and cloud bursting are the part of cloud based services. Cloud spanning is also the alternative for cloud bursting.
Cloud Bursting:
Cloud bursting is a model in which the application runs in a private cloud and then bursts in the public cloud when demand of computing capacity increases. It seeks to expand, only to the external cloud solutions to handle computation overloads.

Benefits of Cloud Spanning:

In order to use cloud storage and backup solutions for an enterprise cloud spanning prevents vendor lock-in by combining many cloud solutions. Cloud Spanning; a cloud backup service, protects your cloud application data and provides:
  • ·         Security
  • ·         Cloud to cloud Backup
  • ·         Compliance
  • ·         Accessibility
  • ·         Simple Recovery 
  • ·         Accurate Restore  

Cloud spanning is therefore, the smart solution to handle workloads and storage needs of an enterprise. It’s a delivery model in which applications are deployed and executed over multiple simultaneous cloud platforms and infrastructure; delivering smart storage solutions.  
Cloud spanning: a smart cloud storage strategy Cloud spanning: a smart cloud storage strategy Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 04:54 Rating: 5

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