Scale-Out NAS - What Can it Offer?

Data can be overwhelming sometimes and it can bring many challenges and uncertainties for many organizations. These challenges can range from rapidly increasing data and to information flowing at such high velocity that it can prove to be very difficult to handle and manage all that information and data.

To tackle all this and to handle data more swiftly and elegantly, scalable storage such as scale-out NAS is the answer. scale-out NAS replaces or upgrades existing out dated systems in order to build a bigger, faster and more powerful storage system. This way organizations can simplify storage management while also conserving energy and data center space at the same time.

Do More with Scale-Out NAS

Scale-out NAS can provide room for necessary storage growth and as well as performance needed to meet business goals for the organization.

Scale-out NAS also makes it possible for organizations to focus more on managing their enterprise data than focusing on managing their NAS storage. This way, the IT team would have a lot more time to do other priority tasks. As the more the system is efficient, the less capacity would be required in terms of NAS storage.

As a result of this, organization’s capital expenditure and outgoing costs are reduced significantly while at the same time, storage remains simple to maintain. This is basically the end goal of any organization which means that scale-out NAS storage is preferred.

Scale-Out NAS Offers A lot More Than Just Scalability

Scale-out NAS provides a stable foundation that is needed to put your data assets to good use. This is made possible due to the many qualities and capabilities of a reliable scale-out NAS solution such as StoneFly Scale-out NAS.

Scale-out NAS also enables organizations to adopt simplicity. A scale-out NAS storage solution enables many components of a NAS storage solution to function as a single storage system, which with the right software like StoneFusionTM , can enable organizations to manage even 1 petabyte of data as easily as 1 terabyte.

A scale-out NAS storage solution goes beyond the limitations of traditional hard drives and allows organizations to get the most out of their storage capacity.

Scale-out NAS storage solutions are very flexible and they can easily be scaled-out based on organizations needs and requirements. A good and ideal scale-out solution would follow a scale-as-you-grow model which offers a lot of convenience to the organization as they can easily add more storage and performance power as their business grows.

Additionally, good scale-out solutions are very resilient and offer high availability. This is because they have built-in resilience and data protection features that maximizes availability.


In today’s digital world, inefficient data management can have a direct impact on the efficiency and reliability of IT operations. Scale-out NAS storage solutions offer the promise of seamless scalability and simplified management. Scale-out NAS is steadily changing the way organizations approach data storage and has become the first choice of many business owners.

Scale-Out NAS - What Can it Offer? Scale-Out NAS - What Can it Offer? Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 11:01 Rating: 5

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