Cloud Backup; the Smart Way to Protect From Ransomware

Finding a way to store distribute and manage all of your data is a big challenge. The need for more storage space keeps growing every day. Building and maintaining your own storage repository is expensive and time consuming. The risk to your mission critical data and applications is evolving too. Many enterprises face data loss due to human error, file corruption, viruses and much more. There is a sudden explosion in cyber-attacks in recent years. These are the major threat to data these days. The on-premises solutions are merging with the cloud based solutions to provide security to the data and prevent data loss. Enterprise cloud storage allows you to have storage and management in one location. Well, many of the cloud based service providers allow you to have a backup and disaster recovery along with the storage. Cloud allows you to keep your data at multiple locations so that your data is safe and secure.

What is Ransomware?

Ransomware holds your PC hostage and demands money. It locks up your computer threatening to destroy data demanding ransom or a payment for release of your data files or to regain the ability to use your computer again.

Criminals pressurize the people to pay the ransom. They have many techniques to get the victims pay the ransom such as:
·         Make encrypted data unrecoverable after a certain period of time.
·         Threaten to post captured (potentially sensitive) data publicly.
·         Use fear by claiming to be law enforcement and threaten prosecution.
·         Increase the ransom payment amount as time goes on.
·         Render the machine unbootable when it overwrites the Master Boot Record and encrypts physical sectors on disk.
·         Threaten to erase all data and render all enterprise computers inoperable.

Options for Enterprises Attacked by Ransomware:

There are limited options for the people who are affected by ransomware. Some of them are listed as:
·         Go nuclear:
You can destroy the infected files and data, and start again from nothing.
·         Pay the ransom and get your files decrypted.
You can pay the ransom which is demanded by the criminals but in maximum cases there is no guarantee that your data will be decrypted after you pay.
·         Restore from your backups.
The most attractive option is resorting, if you have a smart backup solution. Without paying the ransom you can get your files up and running in minutes.
Cloud Storage and Ransomware:
Cloud storage solutions are the smarter way to store and manage data. Cloud storage is not naturally immune to ransomware. However, cloud service providers allow you to have significant data protection strategies according to your data. Cloud disaster recovery is the best option. If any of the enterprises are affected by ransomware, with cloud disaster recovery the data can be recovered so the ransom will not be paid.
Cloud Advantages for Ransomware Protection:
Enterprises require an in-depth ransomware defense strategy to protect their files. Cloud based services allow you to detect any type of viruses and fight against them instantly.
·         It can detect abnormal file access, block further action and alert the administrator. 
·         It can isolate the infected items from the other files.

·         Enable effective disaster recovery in the cloud.
Cloud Backup; the Smart Way to Protect From Ransomware Cloud Backup; the Smart Way to Protect From Ransomware Reviewed by StoneFly Inc, on 03:37 Rating: 5

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